Home > Artworks > David Fàbregas, Pintor Contemporáneo (Barcelona)

Photo of David Fàbregas, Pintor Contemporáneo (Barcelona) Spain

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David Fbregas, Neus Ramny son, born December 30, cold winter of 1967 in Barcelona.
From an early age, he began an interest in plastic arts and begins to reproduce a spontaneous his vision of everyday objects and people around him ... "Was the only way to be quiet for a while" said her mother.
At fourteen years he entered L'Escola del Treball de Barcelona to study Delineacin and parallel to a...

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David Fbregas, Neus Ramny son, born December 30, cold winter of 1967 in Barcelona.
From an early age, he began an interest in plastic arts and begins to reproduce a spontaneous his vision of everyday objects and people around him ... "Was the only way to be quiet for a while" said her mother.
At fourteen years he entered L'Escola del Treball de Barcelona to study Delineacin and parallel to a job in the architectural and design "Estudi Laforja" Manuel López-Nuo and Tom Ivars, which aroused in the artist's keen interest for the design and a great passion for the art world.
At nineteen years he joined the department of style and a well-known models of Japanese multinational company, where he has been able to develop their creative potential, working on new projects. Whenever plans and renderings encircled by developing molds and models
working with a variety of materials: clay, wood, metal, resins, composites, fibers, etc.
All these experiences have provided daily after years creative experience and maturity that is reflected in his work.
Fbregas is capable of transmitting all their energy into their creations. Its force is transmitted in his courageous passion, a source of great expressiveness. Describes his brush, draw and located the subject with great original and effective, making his works convey a modern and sophisticated. His work, together, we show the synergies of texture and color that are the source of the sensitivity of this artist Barcelons.
The technique and composition is shown in each work jointly and individually to achieve this awakening multitude of new sensations in the viewer.
Fbregas currently still studying intensely different artistic possibilities, which manages to fuse painting and balanced materials technicians.
This ability to blend art and emotions are transmitted stroke by stroke with the virtue of bringing out that feeling in his works that can be difficult to convey words.

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